Two players can also align their ships side-by-side to achieve the same effect or align their ships vertically for a powerful five-way spread. GwinBee, a ship similar to TwinBee and WinBee, also appears in the game, allowing the player to combine its ship with GwinBee to fire wider fire beams. The mini-bell and the lucky star from the original TwinBee return as well.

In addition to the five different colors in the original TwinBee (yellow, white, blue, green, and red), there are two new additional bells as well: a purple bell that provides a "tail shield" that activates multiple barriers around the player's ship and black bell which decreases the player's speed.

Like in the original TwinBee, the player can shoot the floating bells to change their colors. The power-ups consist of bells which can be uncovered by shooting the floating clouds, as well as items uncovered by destroying land enemies. This time, holding down the shooting button will cause a power-meter at the bottom of the screen to fill up, allowing the player to fire a "Big Shot" attack when releasing the button. In the international arcade release, both buttons are used to do shoot and drop bombs at the same time. In the Japanese version, one button is used to fire the gun at airborne enemies while the other is used to drop bombs to the ground. Controls consist of an eight-way joystick for moving the ship and two buttons. As usual, the game can be played by up to two players, with player 1 piloting TwinBee, while player 2 pilots WinBee. Aside from the improved graphics and sounds compared to the previous TwinBee installments, the gameplay in Detana!! follows the same conventions established in the arcade version of the original.