I will send you a receipt for tax purposes. *******You may contact me if you wish to examine the unisaw********For what it is worth I am donating 10% of sale to Burnett County Humane Society. Need to fix your 34-802 Type 1 10 Tilting Arbor Unisaw Use our part lists, interactive diagrams, accessories and expert repair advice to make your repairs. Has 1-3/4'long shaft, 3/4' diameter with keyway. Totally enclosed fan cooled motor produces extra high breakdown torques for maximum cutting power. Special Mounting: Motor pivots on rod for belt tensioning. Totally enclosed designs prevent motor problems caused by wood dust and shavings. I have nothing to help load except muscle. Contractors Saw Motors - Delta Unisaw Replacement Motors. about 16 miles east of MN and Wis border on Hwy 70. I decide to bite the bullet and make the 2 1/2 hour round trip. After several nerve racking hours of getting no answer, an elderly lady answers and tells me she knows nothing about it. Wow, that's cheap, it must be an old one, maybe even a coveted four footer. Located between Twin Cities and Duluth, MN. Saw an add in the paper: 'Saw, Delta Uni, 600 (US330)'. I need room in my shop/garage and I have two Shopsmiths to keep me busy.I also am listing separately a Delta Sanding Center and a Cummins drill press.I live in Siren, WI. (After seeing dirty, rusted saws listed.) Saw buddys for anti kick back (picture no. I would give saw a rating of 8+ out of 10. I have included a new 10" combo on this listing.Made in USA.This saw has been in my heated garage since purchase. I have never needed to change belts.No blade guard or splitter.

HP I assume is 3hp, as it doesn't state hp in manual and motor is covered by wood box. First bought new in Nov 1989 (I have 1st owners receipt).I added Biesemeyer fence May 2002 (receipt)Single phase 230 volt, 24 volt magnetic motor control system. The pin should be held in place with a wire spring clip. I purchased saw at estate sale around 2001. The motor is held in place by a large hex head cap screw and a pivot pin.